As the Beard Awards approach here are some thoughts…
With extra attention comes extra critique. I wonder sometimes if diners know what goes into making their experience happen? This industry has suffered post pandemic. Good employees are harder to find, especially in the kitchen. We pull together when times are tough but that can mean 18 hour days for my husband because he is so dedicated to our standard; to providing the best experience we can.
We all have lives outside of work. Sometimes that means a family member being sick, or dealing with our own hardship. But we still show up 100%. We push ourselves and we try to help create good memories for the fine folks that choose to dine with us.
It’s an honor to be on a list of 5 restaurants nationwide, being recognized for doing something well.
I can’t think of a better group of people than those that we get to share our work hours with. Our team is my inspiration and something I am incredibly grateful for. I couldn’t and would not want to do it without them.
That’s truly the biggest win of all.