No Surprises

I wanted to address something that appears to be an easily fixed problem for a very small group of our diners: everything you need to know before dining with us appears on our website and is visible on our menu before ordering.

There are no surprises as to costs or dishes we are serving. This restaurant is inherently French technique driven and we write a new menu every week. These are posted on Sundays so that there is ample time to change your plans if our offerings are not quite what you are looking for. On top of that, we accommodate an extraordinary amount of dietary restrictions to the best of our ability.

I mention this for the few diners that take issue with what we are serving on any given evening or the costs associated with providing that experience. All of these things are spelled out in the FAQ section of our website. Prices for everything are rising, as you can tell by a trip to any grocery store. Our choice here at Copine is not to add line item service charges to a diner’s check. Instead, we take 2% of our total food sales every night and add that directly into our cook’s paychecks. Seattle is an expensive city and we want our culinary team to thrive both professionally and financially.

As my husband’s father says : “you don’t go to McDonald’s and expect Burger King.” Everything is not for everybody…and that’s okay. However, life is full of choices we make: and some of those are to try new things. Managing expectations is a shared responsibility.